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Recent JRDeLisle Activities/Presentations

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Selected and/or Annotated Past Presentations

Over the past several years, I have made a number of presentations to regional and national audiences. To review the presentations, click on the links embedded in the titles of the respective presentations. I will continue to post selected presentations and may convert them to streaming videos if there is sufficient interest.

If you have any questions, Contact Me.

Previous Presentations




Economic and Real Estate Forecast 2010, Presenter, CoreNet Seattle Chapter, January 19 2010.

National and Regional Real Estate Outlook 2010, Presenter, Enterprise Seattle's 38th Annual Economic Forecast Conference, Thursday, January 14, 2010 ~ 7:30am-1:30pm, Washington State Convention & Trade Center.

Emerging Trends in Real Estate, Moderator, ULI Seattle District Chapter, December 2 2009.

2009 IREM Forecast Breakfast, Moderator, IREM Western Washington Chapter, Bellevue Grand Hyatt, December 4 2009.

Commercial Outlook 2010: To Walk, To Talk, To Walk the Talk?" which explored the the national and Seattle markets at the Education Day for The Washington State Commercial Association of REALTORS®, Seattle, October 22, 2009.

The Bottom: We Ain't There Yet, and Their Ain't No Net, Presenter, NAIOP National Forums, at Development 09, Chicago, October 13 2009.

  • 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM – Capital Markets IV Forum

  • 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM - Business Park Development Forum

  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Trends in Real Estate Development I Forum

  • 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Young Professionals I/II Forums

  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Capital Markets III Forum

Real Estate and Capital Market Update: Appraisal Implications, United States Navy and the United States Army Corp of Engineers Department of Defense Annual Appraisal Conference, Seattle, WA, August 18, 2009. 

2009 Economic and Commercial Real Estate Outlook: Too Much Pain, Too Little Gain, made three separate presentations at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Denver, April 23, 2009:

  • Private Developers II Forum
  • Capital Markets II Forum
  • Capital Markets III Forums

Sustainable Development: A Market-Based Approach, presented to the Sustainable Development Forum of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Denver, April 23, 2009.

The Efficacy of Mixed-Use Development, presented to the Mixed-Use Development Forum of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Denver, April 23, 2009.

The Capital/Spatial Market Divide, presented to the Private Developers III Forum of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Denver, April 22, 2009.

Argus in the Classroom: An Applied Approach, presented and moderated panel at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) Conference, Monterey, CA, April 3, 2009.

Sustainable Real Estate, chaired session and presented paper at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) Conference, Monterey, CA, April 3, 2009.

Subprime Mortgages, chaired session and presented paper at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) Conference, Monterey, CA, April 3, 2009.

Real Estate Centers: 2009 Update, chaired meeting of the Real Estate Center Directors and Chairholder’s Association, Monterey CA, April 1, 2009.

2009 Economic and Commercial Real Estate Outlook: The Changing of the Guard, the Guarding of Change, presented at CoreNet Global, Seattle, January 20, 2009.

Confidence, Credit/Capital and Collateral Turbulence: Implications for the Real Estate Voyage, presented at the 37th Annual Economic Forecast Conference, Enterprise Seattle, January 15, 2009.

Emerging Trends 2009, moderated panel for Seattle District Chapter of the Urban Land Institute, Seattle, November 20, 2008.

Real Estate Market Forecast for 2009, moderated panel for Institute of Real Estate Management, Seattle, November 2008.

The Three C’s Behind the Crisis: Credit, Confidence & Collateral, presented to Washington State Commercial Association of REALTORS®, Seattle, October 2008.

The Capital Market/Spatial Market Divide: Implications for Office Developers, made two presentations at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Las Vegas, October, 2008:

  • Office Development Forum I
  • Office Development Forum II

The 2009 Real Estate Capital Market Outlook, made two presentations at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Las Vegas, October, 2008:

  • Capital Market Forum I
  • Capital Market Forum II

Real Estate Education and Real Estate Research Centers: A Status Report, presented to the E. V. Williams Center for Real Estate and Economic Development Advisory Board, Norfolk VA, June 2008. 

Real Estate Research: Bridging the Industry/Academic Divide, moderated session, American Real Estate Society Annual Convention, Captiva Island FL, April 19, 2008.

Interdisciplinary Real Estate Education: The University of Washington Model, presenter and panelist at American Real Estate Society Annual Convention, Captiva Island FL, April 19, 2008.

Real Estate Center/Program Update, Real Estate Center Directors and Chairholders’ Association, chaired meeting, Captiva Island FL, April 17, 2008.

What Is Sustainable Development? Benefits & Opportunities for Developers and Communities, presented to The Seminar Group, Seattle WA, February 5, 2008.

The National Economy, Real Estate Capital Market Insights and Issues in Seattle, presented to CoreNet Global, Washington State Chapter, Seattle, January 15, 2008.

2008 Emerging Trends, moderated panel, Seattle District Chapter of the Urban Land Institute, Seattle, November 14, 2007.

Sustainable Real Estate: More Than Green, presented to Real Estate Counselors Group of America (RECGA), Annual Meeting, Seattle, October 13, 2007.

Sustainability/Green Buildings: An Institutional Framework, presented at general session of National Council of Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Convention, Seattle, June 14, 2007.

Green Eyes: Developer, Investor and Advisor Visions, moderated panel, National Council of Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Convention, Seattle, June 14, 2007.

The “Real” Green: Greenbacks and Values, moderated panel, National Council of Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Convention, Seattle, June 14, 2007.

Toward the Greening of Office Development: A Sustainable Approach, presented to the Developer Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, San Diego, May 3, 2007.

Toward the Greening of Family-owned Real Estate Businesses, presented to the Family-owned Business Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, San Diego, May 3, 2007.

Investment Management and Green Buildings, presented to the Office Investment Management Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, San Diego, May 3, 2007.

Contractors and Green Buildings, presented to the Contractors Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, San Diego, May 3, 2007.

High Performance & Sustainable Buildings: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, presented to the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Commercial Real Estate Executive Summit in Cooperation with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Bellevue WA, February 28 2007.

High Performance & Sustainable Buildings Panel, moderated panel for Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Commercial Real Estate Executive Summit in Cooperation with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Bellevue WA, February 28 2007.

Emerging Trends 2007, moderated national panel, Urban Land Institute, Seattle, Washington, November 2006.

Mixed-use Development: Lessons from Seattle, presented to Associates Forum of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association San Francisco, October 2006, San Francisco

Retail Growth Management: Toward an Interdisciplinary Research Center, presented to International Council of Shopping Center (ICSC) Educational Foundation, Seattle, September 2006.

Capital Markets Update: Beneath the Surface, presented to the Capital Markets Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Miami, October 2005.

Financing Green Projects-Capital Market Initiatives, moderate panel, Urban Land Institute, Seattle, Washington, September 2005.

Industry Issues and Trends, presented to International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Pacific Northwest Exchange, Couer D’Alene, Idaho, August 2005.

Critical Site Plan Issues in Retail/Shopping Center Development, moderated panel, Pacific Northwest Exchange and Urban Land Institute, Seattle, WA,  March 7, 2005.

Growth Management: Implications for Retail Industry, moderated panel, ICSC Research Conference, Boston, November 2004.

Mixed-Use Development: The Seattle Experience, presented to the Private Developer’s Forum and the Office Development Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 2004.

Mixed-Use Development: Panacea or Pitfall? presented to the Mixed-Use Forum at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 2004.

Improving the Quality and Appeal of Real Estate Careers: A Brand Strategy Discussion, presented to American Real Estate Society, Captiva Island, FL, April 2004.

Smart Growth Management: A Holistic Approach, presented to International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Government Relations Leadership Group, New York, November 2003.

The National and Puget Sound Economies: Implications for the Commercial Real Estate Market, presented to NAIOP Educational Seminar, Bellevue WA, November 2003.

People: The Look and Function in the Next 5-10 Years, presented to the Industry Trends Task Force at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, Boston, October 2003.

“Smart” Growth: An Objective Perspective, presented to ICSC Educational Foundation, San Francisco, September 2003.

“Smart” Growth Management: A Holistic Approach, presented to ICSC Research Task Force, New York, August 2003.

Shopping Centers as Investments, moderated panel for International Council of Shopping Centers, Pacific Northwest Exchange, Blaine Washington, August 2003.

Real Estate Capital Market Insights and Issues in Seattle, presented to Harbor Properties, Inc., Expert Hour, May 2003.

Professional/Academic Linkages: The Research Agenda, moderated panel at American Real Estate Society ( ARES) Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Spring 2003.

Real Estate Development, panelist at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Spring 2003

The Future of ARES, panelist at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Spring 2003.

The National Economy, Real Estate Capital Market Insights and Issues in Seattle, presented to Seattle Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, April 2003

U.S. Economic and Real Estate Outlook: A Regional Perspective, presented at the Horizons Economic Forecast Conference: Tacoma, December 2002.

The Boom and Bust of the National and Seattle Real Estate Economy: Sync or Swim?, presented to the Seattle Economists’ Association, November 2002.

Real Estate Update and the UW/UW Connection, presented to the University of Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association: Northwest Chapter, October 2002.

Real Estate Outlook 2003: A National Perspective, presented to BOMA International Regional Owner’s Council, October 2002.

Real Estate Capital Market Convergence, presented to Building Owner’s & Managers Association of Seattle & King County, September 2002.

The Impact of Technology on Real Estate, presented at the annual meeting of the Building Owners and Managers Association: Regional Owners Council, Atlanta, GA, October 2001.

On-Line Real Estate Education, moderated panel at the annual meeting, American Real Estate Society (ARES), Coeur d’Alene, ID, May 2001.

How New Technologies are Shaping the Way Real Estate Companies Do Business, panelist, Annual Meeting, American Real Estate Society (ARES), Coeur d’Alene, ID, May 2001.

The Impact of Technological Innovation on Real Estate, presented to Georgia Society of CPA: Real Estate Education Seminar, March 2001.

Technology-enhanced Real Estate Education, presented at the annual meeting, American Real Estate Society (ARES), Tampa FL, May 2000.

Issues Facing the Industry, moderated panel at Plenary Session at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) annual Research Conference, San Diego CA, November 1999.

Real Estate Portfolio Management and Investments, panelist at Lend Lease Investor Conference, Encampment, WY, July 1998.

Retail Real Estate Issues, moderated panel on main program at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Annual Convention, Las Vegas, May 1998.

National Apartment Market Outlook, presented at the annual National Multi-family Housing Conference, Boca Raton, FL, April 1998.

Global Real Estate Issues, panelist at Merrill Lynch Global Real Estate Investor Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 1998.

The Dark Side vs. The Light Side:  Industry vs. Academic Perspectives, panelist at American Real Estate Society (ARES) annual conference, Monterey, CA, April 1998.

Real Estate Investment for Pension Funds:  What’s the Outlook for ’98?, conference co-chair for the Real Estate Investment for Pension Fund Conference, Phoenix AZ, February 1998.

Real Estate Research Institute (RERI) Annual Conference, program coordinator, moderator and facilitator, Chicago, IL, March 1998.

U.S. Real Estate Outlook 1998:  Building on a Solid Foundation, presented at the investor conference at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, March 1998.

Global Real Estate Trends, presented to Australian Prime Property Fund Conference, Lend Lease, Sydney, AUS, November 1997.

Issues Facing the Industry, moderated panel at International Council of Shopping Centers Research (ICSC) Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1997.

Emerging Trends in Real Estate, presented at Pension Real Estate Association (PREA) Annual Fall Conference; also presented at Equitable Real Estate Investor Conferences in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, October 1997.

Strategic Portfolio Planning:  Extension to Open-end, Commingled Funds, presented at Emerging Trends conferences, New York and Chicago, October 1997.

US Real Estate Market Update: Implications for Core Investing, presented at German Investor Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, September 1997.

The Implications of Technological Change on Institutional Real Estate, presented at New York University annual Investor Conference, New York, City, May 1997.

US Real Estate Outlook 1997:  The Future is Now, presented at Tokyo Investor Conference, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, March 1997.

US Real Estate Market Recovery: Lessons for Japan, audience before Office of Minister of Finance, Tokyo, Japan, March 1997.

A Market in Transition:  Investment Research Meeting the Challenge, presented at the Real Estate Investment for Pension Funds:  A Market in Transition REIP ’97 Conference, Tucson AZ, February 1997.

Investment Research:  The Changing Role, presented at Investment Real Estate Seminar, Equitable Real Estate, January 1997.

Issues at the Forefront of the Industry, moderated keynote session for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Research Conference entitled Strategies for the New Millennium, Dallas TX, October 1996.

On-Line Data Sources:  New Tools of the Trade for Seasoned Professionals, moderated panel for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Research Conference, Dallas TX, October 1996.

Institutional Real Estate Investment, presented to the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Asset Management Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, June 1996.

U.S Institutional Real Estate Investment Outlook, presented at the General American Investment Management Company Investment Conference hosted by Conning Asset Management, Tempe AZ, April 1996.

Commercial Real Estate Market Update, presented at the Silver Sand Dollar Mortgage Finance Forum, Ponte Vedra Beach FL, April 1996.

The Impact Technology is Having on Commercial Real Estate, panelist at the Commercial Real Estate Women Conference, Atlanta GA, April 1996.

Real Estate Outlook 1996: Reflecting on the Future, presented at investor conference at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, March 1996.

Trends in Real Estate Investing: A State of the Market Report, panelist at the 14th Annual National Forum on Real Estate for Pension Funds: New Directions in Fund Investing, Tempe, AZ, February 1996.

Historical Real Estate Return Analysis: Intertemporal Market Segmentation and Structural Change, with Terry V. Grissom, presented to American Real Estate Society (ARES), Lake Tahoe, NV, April 1995.

Economic Forecast, panelist at the annual convention of the Tennessee Mortgage Bankers Association, Nashville, TN, May 1995.

Retail Industry Update:  Trends, Issues and Implications, moderated panel at International Council of Shopping Centers Research Conference, Phoenix, AR, October 1995.

Balancing Real Estate Portfolios to Help Boost Risk-adjusted Rates of Return, panelist at the First Annual Portfolio Summit sponsored by Global Business Research, New York, NY, July 1995.

Real Estate Outlook 1995, presented at the Palm Springs Investor Conference, Equitable Real Estate, February 1995.

US Real Estate Market Outlook, presented at the Silver Dollar Conference of the Mortgage Banker’s Association, Ponte Vedra, FL, January 1995.

Institutional Real Estate Investment, presented at the American General annual conference, Phoenix, AR, Spring, 1995.   

Real Estate Outlook 1995: The Transition Game, presented at investor conference at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, February 1995.

Retail Property Outlook, presented to the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) Conference entitled Real Estate Investing in the 1990s, Chicago, IL, September 1994.

Emerging Trends 1995, presented at the Public Safety Employees Pension & Benefits Conference, Palm Springs, CA, November 1994.

Economically Targeted Investments (ETIs) in Pension Fund Portfolios, testimony before Department of Labor sub-committee, Washington, DC, Fall, 1994.

Emerging Trends in Real Estate, presented at the 1994 Fall Plan Sponsor Real Estate Conference, Phoenix AR, October 1994.

Understanding the Distinguishing Characteristics of Commercial Property Types, presented at the Real Estate:  An Alternative of Mainstream Asset? Conference of The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR),  Chicago, IL, September 1994 (as result of positive feedback, invited to participate in AIMR Speaker Network).

Institutional Real Estate Portfolio Management, presented at the Southern Pension Benefits Association annual conference, Amelia Island, GA, Fall, 1994.

Institutional Real Estate Market Conditions, presented to the Southeast Mortgage Banker’s Association Annual Conference, Memphis TN, Spring 1994.

Future Investing in Real Estate:  Public, Private or Both?”  panelist at Pension Real Estate Association 1994 Spring Conference, Baltimore, April 1994.

Real Estate Outlook 1994, presented at the Annual Investor Conference of Equitable Real Estate, February 1994.

The Role of Commercial Real Estate in Pension Portfolios, presented at the Public Safety Pension Conference, Los Angeles, CA, January 1994.

Real Estate in the 90’s:  What is Past is Prologue, presented at the 24th Annual Education Conference of the Southern Employee Benefits Conference, Sea Island GA, November 1993.

The Contributions of Dr. Richard B. Andrews to Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, presented at the University of Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association Seminar, September 1993.

Real Estate: A Distinct Asset Class or an Industry Sector, presented at the Institute for Fiduciary Education Conference, September, 1993.

Modern Portfolio Theory Roundtable, member of panel of researchers discussing the role of real estate with Dr. Harry Markowitz, sponsored by Buildings Magazine, May 1993.

Real Estate Outlook, presented at the Real Estate Investments for Pension Funds Conference managed by the Northwest Center for Professional Education/Institute for International Research, Orlando FL, October 1992.

Toward a Commercial Secondary Market, participated in roundtable discussion at the Real Estate Finance Roundtable of the National Association of Realtors, Cambridge MA, June 1992.

Research in Real Estate:  What Predictions Can Disciplined Real Estate Managers Make in Today’s Unpredictable World?” panelist at NYU’s Third Annual Pension Fund Investment in Real Estate Conference, New York, NY, May 1992.

Real Estate Investment Statement and Real Estate Outlook 1992, presented at Investment Management Conference, Equitable Real Estate, January 1992.

The Contributions of Dr. James A. Graaskamp:  A Holistic Approach, presented at the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, New Orleans, January 1992.

NAREIM Real Estate Market Forecast, presented results of NAREIM survey of real estate researchers’ outlooks for the real estate market at the Annual Research Symposium, Naples FL, January 1992.

Economic and Demographic Trends for the 90’s, panelist at the Cornell Real Estate Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, September 1991.

Ensuring Capital Adequacy for Commercial Real Estate, moderator/team leader for Real Estate Finance Roundtable of the National Association of Realtors, Cambridge MA, June 1991.

Regional Market Analysis, presented at the Pension Funds and Real Estate Conference, Orlando, FL, June 1991.

Real Estate Market Analysis, panelist at Pension Funds in Real Estate Conference sponsored by National Real Estate Investor, Orlando, FL, June 1991.

Institutional Real Estate Portfolios:  Trends and Outlook, presented at the Institute for Fiduciary Education Conference, March 1991.

The 1990’s versus the 1980’s:  Changes in the Flow of Capital to Real Estate and Impact on Valuation,” presented at the New York University’s Annual Real Estate Finance Conference, New York NY, June 1990.

Theories of Real Estate Portfolio Structuring and the Question of Diversification,” presented to the Corporate Real Estate Conference of Alston & Bird, February 1990.

The Role of Real Estate Research in a Portfolio Context, presented at Investment Real Estate Seminar, Equitable Real Estate, January 1990.

Appraisal vs. Transaction-Based Return Series, presented at the American Real Estate Society (ARES) annual conference, May 1989.

A Multi-period, Portfolio Approach to Corporate Real Estate, paper presented at the Industrial Development Research Council (IDRC) national meeting, Seattle, 1987.

Real Estate Research Methodology:  Issues for a Maturing Discipline, panel participant at American Real Estate Society (ARES) Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1987.