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February 23, 2025

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Economic Indicators

I have begun compiling some current market data to cover the overall economy, capital markets and real estate markets. I will be expanding this feature so check back. The following historical and forecast charts were generated by the WSJ.com and are based on their survey of 60 economists. For further charts as of September 2016. The charts are interactive and can be changed by clicking the data and time frame. Also, if you go to the WSJ Survey of Economists you can access additional graphs and download the underlying data.

Annual GDP: Actual and Estimated


CPI: Actual and Forecast


Unemployment Rate

Housing Starts


MarketWatch Updates (being updated)

All REIT Prices with detailed tables and graphs showing relative stock price trends. The new format includes risk/return measures using closing stock prices as a proxy. To improve benchmarking, the major REITs organized by category or business focus. The most recent data are closing prices as of March 3, 2010. See hyperlinks to About and Investor Relations for each REIT.

  • Want the latest private market data, See NCREIF Property Type and Sub-type Returns through the 4th Quarter of 2009. Includes tables and graphs.
  • Retailer Stock Prices. Click for a standardized presentation of stock price data for selected retailers organized by merchandise category.
  • Retail Investment Performance. A series of graphs plotting public retail returns for major retail REITs and the NCREIF retail returns to represent the private, institutional side of the sector.
  • Retail Sales Trends. Current charts and graphs showing retail sales by NAICs categories.
  • EconWatch. Want to monitor key economic indicators? Click on this link for some charts and graphs on current market conditions.

Also, I have posted some responses to Ask DrD questions that present some of my thoughts on the current market and the outlook going forward:

  • Institutional Equity Real Estate Performance. How has the institutional market performed over the past year and what are the prospects for the next 2 years or so? Click on Response to Q110.
  • Real Estate Outlook 2010. We are seeing a lot of negative press about the real estate market. What is your outlook for the economy and the commercial real estate market for 2010? Click on Response to Q111.
Financial Views Archives
To see my current view on the market as well as my archive views for the past 12 years, see: Financial View Archives on my JRDeLisle Research page. The full text articles are available for download in PDF format.

My Financial Views articles have been Reprinted with permission from The Appraisal Journal©2009 by the Appraisal Institute, Chicago, Illinois. All Rights Reserved.