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March 26, 2025

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JRD's Free Interactive Real Estate Learning Modules

This module is designed to help advance industry practices and support continuous learning through provision of two free interactive learning modules featuring:

  • Real Estate Concepts. These modules present the definitions for a number of key real estate concepts organized into meaningful topics and categories. The concepts are presented in a number of formats including flash cards, matching games, crossword puzzles and glossary listings.
  • Calculated Questions. These "calculated questions" provide a standard problem statement with dynamic independent variables that are replaced in subsequent attempts. Once an answer is submitted and graded you will see the correct answer. The next time you challenge the question, you will be given a new set of inputs to try again. There are also links to tutorials that will provide additional hints on how to set up the problems.

If you have suggestions for this feature or added questions, please Contact Me. If you want a new module, let me know and I will try to prioritize it. Happy interactive learning!

Interactive RE Learning Module Visitors
Time Value of Money (TVM)

The following are designed to assess your understanding of basic TVM concepts. For a primer on TVM, see Tutorial 1: Time Value of Money.

Frontdoor/Backdoor Analysis (FD/BD)

This introduces an interactive cash solvency models that tests various development scenarios. For a primer, see my Frontdoor/
Backdoor Analysis.

Corporate Real Estate Math

This material explores corporate real estate problems with emphasis on mathematics of lease terms.New

If you need more help, go to my Cases & Tutorials for Basic CRE Problems or click on Intermediate CRE Problems

Mortgage Terms

These are some major terms related to mortgage finance.




Real Estate Leasing Concepts

An overview of lease concepts.

How to Use Interactive Math Modules


Each of the Interactive Math Modules is comprised of a limited set of problems on various topics. Each problem consists of a number of independent variables that are laid out in a problem statement. Each time you submit an answer, it will be graded and, if wrong, will display the correct number. You can then try again and repeat until you get them right.

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Concepts
This module contains detailed concepts in Discounted Cash Flow. For a Primer, see my Discounted Cash Flow Case.


Advanced DCF Rent Roll Modeling
Coming soon

Excel Portfolio
Coming soon

DeLisle's CoreNet

2013 Outlook

Click here for my Feb 19th 2013 Presentation: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
Advanced Argus

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon



Disclaimer and Copyright

The materials, views and thoughts expressed on this website represent my personal work; they do not reflect those of the University of Washington or of any of its units. These materials are neither edited nor endorsed by the UW and, as such, should not be so attributed. The materials are designed for academic use and should not be relied on for commercial or business decisions. They are offered in an effort to help enhance the teaching, research and service dimensions of my academic profession and better serve students, colleagues and the broader community. The works of authorship presented in this website and associated materials, may not be reproduced, published, distributed, displayed, transmitted or incorporated in derivative works without proper attribution and approval. The author retains the copyright to these materials and may incorporate them in various publications and outlets in the future. The copyright and restrictions on reproduction of reprinted articles and other materials published by third parties remains in force.