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March 26, 2025

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RetailWatch Overview

In terms of research, the retail real estate industry is one of the more disciplined property sectors. This is due to a number of factors including the hyper-competitive, dynamic nature of the industry and the capital-intensive nature of projects. In addition to playing a prominent role in the real estate industry, the retail industry plays a critical role in the broader economy. I have been active in the International Council of Shopping Centers for some 20 years. During that time, I have played a number of roles including chair of the Research Task Force, a member of the board of ICSC Educational Foundation, and editor of the Journal of Shopping Center Research. In 2008 I was honored to receive the ICSC's Distinguished Service Award.

During my professional career at Prudential Real Estate Investors and more so at Equitable Real Estate, part of my job as head of the Investment Research Department was to track retail real estate and help portfolio, asset and portfolio managers develop and implement retail investment strategies. I have picked up on that activity and will be providing periodic updates and flash reports on the retail sector.

Selected Retail Research

James R. DeLisle, “Toward the Global Classification of Shopping Centers,” a white paper for International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Research, January 2009. Click here for a Chinese Version of my working paper.

James R. DeLisle, "Shopping Center Classifications: Challenges and Opportunities," a white paper for International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Research, June 2005; revised June 2007.

James R. DeLisle, "The Evolution of Shopping Center Research: A 12-year Retrospective," Journal of Shopping Center Research, Volume 12 , Number 2, 2005, pp. 1-82.

James R. DeLisle, "U.S. Shopping Center Classifications: Challenges and Opportunities," Research Review, Volume 12, Number 2, 2005, pp. 96-101.

Free access to full text PDF copies of entire history of JSCR!!


In 1994, the ICSC Foundation began sponsoring the Journal of Shopping Center Research (JSCR). It continued that support until 2007. Although the JSCR is no longer being published, it contained a wealth of retail and retail real estate research. I was one of the initial advocates for the JSCR and served as editor from 2003-2007. To help advance the body of knowledge with respect to retail real estate, I have assembled the back issues of the JSCR. To access full text copies, please click on JSCR Archives.

These are recent retail visitors; welcome to retail updates and archives....

Lessons Learned - US Researchers (click on name for full text)

"Industry and Academia: The Combination for a Winning Team, A Discusion with James R. DeLisle, Retail Property Insights Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009: p 51-58.

"An Entrepreneurial Career in Consumer Research: A Discussion with Karen Gentleman," Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2009;p 68-74.

“A Researcher’s Star Trek: Michael P. McCarty,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2007; p 55-62.

“Profiles of Success: Kenard Smith,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006; p 61-66.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Larry E. Carlson,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2005; p 49-60.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Doug Casey,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005; p 49-54.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Warren W. Wilson,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-4.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: John Chapman,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-4.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Cynthia Ray Walker,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-6.

Lessons Learned via Global Researchers (click on name)

“Variety is the Spice of Life in a Research Career: A Discussion with Yvonne Court,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 16,  No. 1, 2009; p. 48-54.

“Successful Research Operations in Mexico: Discussion with Robert Berg Wilkie,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 15,  No. 2, 2008; p. 64-67.

“Research is About Risk Reduction - Interview with Rafael Gomes Pelote” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 15,  No. 1, 2008; p. 56-60.

“Profiles of Success: Ungku Suseelawati Ungku Omar, Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007; p 68-75.

“A South African Researcher’s Career Path in the Shopping Center Industry: Dirk Prinsloo,” International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2006; p 38-44.

“Profiles of Success: Christopher Wicker,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006; p 54-59.


Lessons Learned Background
In 2004, I discussed the need for career advice and direction for students and "Next Generation" real estate leaders with some members of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) research task force. In a follow-up discussion with Mike Niemira who heads up ICSC research and Cynthia Ray Walker who chaired the Research Task Force, we decided to launch a series of "Lessons Learned" articles. The objective of this series was to profile successful researchers and other professionals with strong research backgrounds and/or interests in an attempt to help young professionals and aspiring students understand what it takes to create a successful career path. Although focused on the retail industry, the lessons learned and insights shared by the various interviewees are relevant to anyone seeking to launch a successful career in real estate or related fields.

The copyright to these articles is held by International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) and appeared in it's publication entitled the Research Quarterly. They are assembled here to help share the message and are intended for individual use; all copyright restrictions established by ICSC apply to the reprints.


Founded in 1957, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is the global trade association of the shopping center industry. The principal aims of ICSC are to advance the development of the shopping center industry and to establish the individual shopping center as a major institution in the community.

Note to Academics & Students

ICSC has established a Student Membership Program to reach students and raise awareness of opportunities in the retail field.


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