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March 31, 2025

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Selected Publications and Research


Over the past 40 years or so I have written a number of articles for professional and academic audiences on a range of topics. I have also written a number of white papers and proprietary research reports, most of which have not been in the public domain. In order to help advance the real estate discipline, I am making selected examples of my research --both previous and on-going-- accessible through my website. Where appropriate, I am organizing it by category. You can directly access some of my retail research and publications in Retail Watch or pick them out of the list below. You can access most of the articles not hyperlinked through traditional library resources.

Financial Views Archives

In Fall 1999, I was invited to take over the Financial Views article series for the Appraisal Journal. Time has certainly flown by and we are now in the 18th year of writing this quarterly article. The objective of this assemblage is to help you look back and pick up on some of the "lessons learned" by tracking what has happened in the market over time. The articles have drawn from a combination of sources including an extensive review of the published articles, primary surveys, proprietary analysis, and a bit of experience and judgment. I hope you agree that we have been able to stay up with the current market and, at times, get out ahead of the curve. Please Contact Me directly if you have any suggestions or questions.


These articles have been Reprinted with permission from The Appraisal Journal©2009 by the Appraisal Institute, Chicago, Illinois. All Rights Reserved.

2016 The Divide Between Strong Capital Flows and Economic Woes Ahead of the Curve: A Possible Inflection New Real Estate Sector Not a Game Changer for All Uncertain Times and Uncharted WatersNew Feature
2015 Great Expectations Translating to Economic Realizations A Temporary Pause: Time for a Reality Check Cautionary Signals from Commercial Real Estate Markets and Consumers Uncertain Times with Business as Unusual
2014 The Long Big Chill or a Temporary Deep Freeze? Spring Thaw, But Not for All The Rising Risk: Business as Unusual
2013 It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again A Positive State of Mind The Public/Private Real Estate Divide Washington Malfunction: Unintended (?) Consequences
2012 It's All About Timing: Spring Forward, Fall Back? Lessons (To Be) Learned The 4-E Clouds: Europe, Election, Employment & Expectations Changing of the Guard, Guarding of the Change
2011 The Future is Now (or is it?) The Future is Not Now (or At Least We Hope Not!) The Fall of Our Discontent
2010 Time for More Reflection, Too Soon for an Inflection
Summer Off

No Bottom, No Net



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Featured Hyperlinked JRDeLisle Publications

Miscelleneous Research

Affordable Housing Cost Study., Washington Department of Commerce, final grant report, 2009. Detailed analysis of 65 affordable housing projects in terms of costs and financing.

"An Empirical Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Retail/Residential Mixed Use Development," Journal of Real Estate Literature, (2013) v. 21 (1), with Terry Grissom. (Received Best Paper Award from the American Real Estate Society)

"Graaskamp: A Holistic Perspective," Reprint, August 2004, Original, 2000 published in J.R. DeLisle & E. Worzala (Eds.), Essays In
Honor of James A. Graaskamp: Ten Years After
, (pp. 51-86). Kluwer Academic Publishers Group.

"Sustainable Growth Management: A Market-Based Approach," Reprint, August 2004, Original, 2003 based on an article published in the Research Quarterly by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).

The Interactive Design-Marketing Model in Determining Highest and Best Use,” The Appraisal Journal, July 1985, received Robert H. Armstrong Award.


Behavioral Research

The Behavioral School of Appraisal: Implications for Residential Appraisal,” The Appraisal Journal, October 1985.

Residential Appraisal: A Behavioral Approach to Energy Efficiency,” The Appraisal Journal, January 1984.


Institutional Research

The Holistic Approach to Real Estate Portfolio Management, White Paper Reprint.

Real Estate: A Distinct Asset Class or an Industry Sector?, White Paper Reprint.

Hyperlinked JRDeLisle Publications (selected)

A Long, Hot Summer and Prospects for a Frenetic Fall,” The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2009, Vol. LXXVI, No. 3, p 192-202.

"An Entrepreneurial Career in Consumer Research: An Interview with Karen Gentleman, Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 16,  No. 2, 2009; p. 68-74.

“Too Much Pain, Too Little Gain,” The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2009, Vol. LXXVI, No. 2, p 97-111.

“Variety is the Spice of Life in a Research Career: A Discussion with Yvonne Court,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 16,  No. 1, 2009; p. 48-54.

“A Flood of Economic Trouble: A Ray of Political Hope,” The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2009, Vol. LXXVI, No. 1; p 6-18.

“The Three C’s of Our Disconnect: Credit, Confidence and Collateral,” The Appraisal Journal, Fall 2008, Vol. LXXV, No. 4; p301-313.

“Successful Research Operations in Mexico: Discussion with Robert Berg Wilkie,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 15,  No. 2, 2008; p. 64-67.

“The Perfect Storm Rippling over to the Real Estate Market,” The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2008, Vol. LXXV, No. 3; p 200-211.

“No Clear Answers,” The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2008, Vol. LXXV, No. 2; p. 105-115.

“Research is About Risk Reduction - Interview with Rafael Gomes Pelote” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 15,  No. 1, 2008; p. 56-60.

“The R Factor: Remarkable Resilience or Recession?” The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2008, Vol. LXXVI, No. 1; p 6-14.

“At the Crossroads of Expansion and Recession,” The Appraisal Journal, Fall 2007, Vol. LXXV, No. 3; p 314-322.

“A Researcher’s Star Trek: Michael P. McCarty,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2007; p 55-62.

“Solid Foundation Steadies Uncertain Economy,” The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2007, Vol. LXXV, No. 2; p 94-104.

“Profiles of Success: Ungku Suseelawati Ungku Omar,“ Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007; p 68-75.

“Editorial Commentary,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007; p v-iv.

“New Year Begins with Tempered Optimism,” The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2007, Vol. LXXV, No. 1; p 6-14.

“A South African Researcher’s Career Path in the Shopping Center Industry: Dirk Prinsloo,“ International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2006; p 38-44.

“Economy Set for Soft Landing?” The Appraisal Journal, Fall 2006, Vol. LXXV, No. 1; p 6-14.

“Profiles of Success: Kenard Smith,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006; p 61-66.

“Editorial Commentary,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006.

“Summer Cycle on Solid Ground,” The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2006, Vol. LXXV, No. 1; p 5-14.

“The Capital and Spatial Markets: Converging or Diverging?,” The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2006, Vol. LXXV, No. 2; p 6-14.

“Profiles of Success: Christopher Wicker,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006; p 54-59.

“The Storms Behind, the Markets Ahead,” The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2006, Vol. LXXIV, No. 1; p 5-14.

“Editorial Commentary,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006; p v - xi.

“Impact of Hurricane Katrina Ripples Across the Economy,” The Appraisal Journal, Fall 2005, Vol. LXXIII, No. 4, p 337-347.

“Editorial Commentary,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2006; p v-vii.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Larry E. Carlson,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2005; p 49-60.

“The Hunt for Product Lessens Summer Market Doldrums,” The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2005, Vol. LXXIII, No. 3, p 229-239.

“Toward Spatial/Capital Market Convergence,” The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2005, Vol. LXXIII, No. 2, p 125-135.

“U.S. Shopping Center Classifications: Challenges and Opportunities,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2005; p 96-101.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Doug Casey,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005; p 49-54.

“The Wave of Recovery: Capital Flows and Spatial Ripples,” The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2005, Vol. LXXIII, No. 2, p 5-14.

“Editorial Commentary,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005; p x1-xx.

The Evolution of Shopping Center Research: A 12-year Retrospective," Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2005.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Warren W. Wilson,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-4.

“The Recovery: Weathering the Storm?” The Appraisal Journal, 72, 4, October 2004.

 “Profiles of a Successful Researcher: John Chapman,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-4.

“The Three Rs of Election Year Economics: Recovery, Rhetoric, and ‘Rithmetic,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXII, No. 2, April 2004.

“Profiles of a Successful Researcher: Cynthia Ray Walker,” Research Review, International Council of Shopping Centers, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2004-5; p 1-6.

“Real Estate and the Economy,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXII, No. 1, January 2004.

“The Recovery Train Has Left the Station: Are We On It?” December 2003, Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle, WA.

“Sustainable Growth Management: A Market-Based Approach,” Research Quarterly, International Council of Shopping Centers, November 2003.

“Financial Views: Out of the Doldrums?” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXI, No. 4 October 2003.

“The Capital and Spatial Divide: On A Path Toward Convergence,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXI, No. 3 June 2003.

“Introduction and Summary,” in Guide to Classifying Industrial Property; Urban Land Institute, Spring 2003.

“Seattle’s Economy: Sync or Swim?” Daily Journal of Commerce, February 2003.

“Real Estate Capital Market: Still Bouncing and Being Bounced,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXI, No. 2 April 2003.

“Reconciling the Spatial Market/Capital Market Gap,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXXI, No. 1 January 2003.

“Real Estate Capital Market Update: The Queuing Up Phase,”  The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXX, No. 4 October 2002.

“Real Estate Capital Markets: A Transitional Period,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXX, No. 2, April 2002.

“Real Estate Capital Markets: Transitional Economic Turmoil Amidst Demographic Change,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXIX, No. 4, October 2001.

“Real Estate Capital Markets Update: Settling into the Transitional Economic Environment,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXIX, No. 2, April 2001.

“Corporate Real Estate Site Selection: A Community Specific Information Framework,” Journal of Real Estate Research: Special Issue on Corporate Real Estate, American Real Estate Society, Summer, 2001. (pre-publication copy)

“Graaskamp: A Holistic Perspective,” Journal of Real Estate Research, Monograph Series, Special Issue Essays in Honor of James A. Graaskamp: Ten Years After, American Real Estate Society, 2000.

“Real Estate Market Outlook and a Behavioral Approach to the Technological Revolution,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXX, No. 4, October 2000.

“Grocery-Anchored Neighborhood Centers: Sector Update, Trends and Outlook,” with Karen Gibler and Joseph S. Rabianski, White Paper for Real Estate Research Center, Spring 2000.

"Real Estate, Economics and Technology: Architects of the Future World,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXX, No. 2, Spring 2000.

“The Contributions of James A. Graaskamp,” Preface," Journal of Real Estate Research: Essays in Honor of James A. Graaskamp, 2000.

“Corporate Real Estate Best Practice Awards: 1996-1998,” International Development Research Council Foundation, Norcross GA, 1999.

“Trends in Corporate Infrastructure Resource Management,” International Development Research Council Foundation, Norcross GA, 1999.

"The Analysis of Real Estate Returns:  Cycles and Structural Change Using Multiple Indices,” with Terry V. Grissom, Journal of Real Estate Research: Special Issue on Cycles, 1999.

"Real Estate and the Capital Markets: Concepts Essential to Developing Forward-Looking Real Estate Decisions,” The Appraisal Journal, Volume LXIX, No 2, Fall 1999.

"Alternative Total Return Series for Direct Real Estate Investment," Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, with Terry V. Grissom, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1998, pp. 18-33.

“Integrated Real Estate Property Management,” published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education in Real Estate for Pension Professionals, September 1998, with Gary Sligar and Douglas A. Tibbetts.

“The Holistic Model of Real Estate Portfolio Management,Journal of Applied Real Property Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1997, pp. 95-102. (white paper reprint).

“Technology: Impact on the Real Estate Advisory Industry,” Pension Real Estate Quarterly, Summer 1997, pp. 29-31.

“The Role of REITs in a Mixed Asset Portfolio,” published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education in Real Estate for Pension Professionals, March 1997.

“Real Estate 2000: A Prospective Look,” published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education in Real Estate for Pension Professional, September 1996, with Paul Dolinoy.

“Institutional Real Estate Analysis,” Real Estate Issues, April 1996, Volume 21.1, with Terry V. Grissom, pp. 15-20.

“An Alternative to the Four Quadrant Model: The Holistic Approach to Portfolio Management,“ Pension Real Estate Quarterly, Fall 1995, pp. 24-27.

“The James A. Graaskamp Award: A Retrospective Look,” Pension Real Estate Quarterly, Summer 1995, pp. 8-10.

“Public vs. Private Retail Ownership,” Pension Real Estate Quarterly, Spring 1994, co-authored with Therese Byrne, pp. 27-30.

“Retail Property Outlook,” published by the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR), Real Estate Investing in the 1990s, September 1994.

“Real Estate: A Distinct Asset Class or an Industry Sector?”  published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education for the Real Estate for Pension Professionals, September 1993. (white paper reprint)

“Introduction and Overview,” forward to Appraisal, Market Analysis, and Public Policy in Real Estate,” in Real Estate Issues, Volume 1, 1993 of the Journal of Real Estate Research.

“NAREIM Real Estate Market Forecast, published by National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers (NAREIM), Winter 1992, with Sol Rabin.

“Institutional Real Estate Portfolios:  Trends and Outlook,” published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education in Real Estate for Pension Professionals, March 1991.

“Regional Malls:  Outlook for the 1990s,” published by the Institute for Fiduciary Education in Real Estate for Pension Professionals, 1990, with Daryl K. Mangan and Douglas A. Tibbetts.

“Meeting the Collective Bargaining Challenge: A Microcomputer-Assisted Approach,”  International Journal of Management, June, 1988, Vol. 5. No. 2, with William Hillison and Jack Steen, pp. 158-169.

“A Multi-Period, Interactive Portfolio Model for Corporate Real Estate,” Industrial Development, May/June 1988.

“Microcomputers in Small Businesses: The Lease/Buy Decision Under the 1986 Tax Reform Act,” The Journal of Systems Management, with W. Hillison and L. Guinipero, May 1987.

“Managing the Special Needs of Elderly Residents,” The Journal of Property Management, March/April 1987, awarded Best Article of the Year.

“Equity Conversion Plans: Implications for Residential Appraisers,” The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst, 1986.

“Elderly Housing: A Pre-Architectural, Pre-Acquisition Approach to Property Management,” The Journal of Property Management, 1986.

“Equity Access Plans: A Model State Response,” Journal of Educational Gerontology, Spring 1985.

“The Behavioral School of Appraisal: Implications for Residential Appraisal,”  The Appraisal Journal, October 1985.

“The Property Manager’s Role in Property Tax Appeals,” The Journal of Property Management, Fall 1985.

“The Use of Computer Technology by Members of the Appraisal Profession,” The Appraisal Journal, with Barry A. Diskin, April 1985.

“The Interactive Design-Marketing Model in Determining Highest and Best Use,” The Appraisal Journal,  July 1985, received Robert H. Armstrong Award.

“Positional Analysis:  A Contemporary Model of Real Estate Decisions-Making,”  The Review Appraiser, Winter 1985, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 41-48.

The Impact of Growth Management on Housing Affordability, Florida Department of Community Affairs, September 1985.

“An Introduction to Equity Access Programs, Alternative Forms of Equity Conversion Programs, A Risk Management Approach to Equity Conversion, and State Initiatives on Equity Access Programs,” four separate papers published in Home Equity Conversion: A Final Report, Florida Department of Community Affairs, May 1984.

“Residential Appraisal:  A Behavioral Approach to Energy Efficiency,”  The Appraisal Journal, January 1984.

“Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate: Appraisal Implications,” The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst, Winter 1984.

“Neighborhood Treatment in Residential Appraisal: A Behavioral Approach,” The Real Estate Appraisal and Analyst, Summer 1984.

“Microcomputer Applications in International Real Estate Appraisal,” International Appraisal Journal, with William C. Covey III, Summer 1984.

“Implementing Microcomputer Technology into University Real Estate Curricula, Journal of Real Estate Education, Fall 1984, with William A. Hillison.

“Market Segmentation: Implications for Residential Appraisal,” The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst,  Fall 1984.

 User’s Manual to the Interactive Design/Market Model Control Data Corp., published under the Quest for Technology Program, August 1983.

 “Mortgage Instruments in the 1980’s,” The Real Estate Market Advisor, January 1982.

“Toward a Formal Definition of the Real Estate Product,” Madison, Wisconsin: Landmark Research, Inc., Summer 1982.

“The Review Appraiser and Property Tax Assessment Equity,” Appraisal Review Journal, Summer 1982.