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March 26, 2025

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Neighborhood Revitalization: 2016 Building Permits

This page is part of our neighborhood revitalization series. It is designed to help users understand the succession (i.e. changes) in neighborhood and other geographic areas and use over time, it is useful to track additions, modifications, and deletions in buildings. This page provides insights into two of those dimensions, presenting building permit activity in 2016 through June 30th. activity. This interactive map presents building permit activity in a three county area: Clay, Jackson, and Platte. The material is presented as a public service, helping extend the efforts of OpenData KC movement which seeks to create more transparency by making public information more accessible. Unlike the other maps in this series, the 3 county scope of these data are broader so if your interest is in Jackson County, just use that filter to start focusing. However, it may also be useful to see how the broader metropolitan KC market is shifting to understand some of the market dynamics that may affect locational decisions.

Organization and Usage Guide

This page consists of interactive maps and filtered building permit data as noted in the drop-down buttons to the right of the map. These filters include: County, Plan Area, Zip Code, Residential vs. Non-residential, type of permit, and class description. The map is dynamic; when you are in the map section and hover over a property additional information will appear. The background image presents shading presents the 2016-2021 household growth forecast. The points are color-coded by type (i.e., additions, alterations & repairs, demolition, and new construction.

You can pan around the map and zoom in or out to see other areas of interest.Note that the filters are simultaneous so you should be careful that you don't elminate all data which will result in a blank screen; when you expand your choice, the tables will tell you how many fall into that category so you can see changes over time, by neighborhood, etc. By default, the "All" option is selected for each variable.

Please note a number of organizations are collaborating on efforts to help revitalize Kansas City Neighborhoods including the UMKC Law School, UMKC Lewis White Real Estate Center, Code for America KC Brigade, OpenData KC, and the Urban Neighborhood Coalition. This is an effort to complement those outreach initiatives. Please Contact Me if you have any suggestions or questions related to this material.

Additional Resources for KC Revitalizers

At the current time, this page is connected to the official Kansas City OpenData Portal which is periodically updated. Other pages of interest to those involved in neighborhood revitalization in Kansas City MO include:


