Welcome to the personal website of Professor James R. DeLisle, Ph.D.
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December 22, 2024

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Visitor Country Map and Connections

JRDeLisle LogoOne of the objectives behind this website to is expand my reach beyond the classroom and help disseminate my teaching, research and service activities to a broader audience. To help gauge success in this element of my mission, I have created this web-tracking page to monitor site visitors. Since it is live, it will take a little time to load and then will be refreshed when you return to the page. This tracking map was started on November 6 2009 and reports on unique visitors and does not include the 11,000 or so page hits received in October when I launched the site. You might find who else has been here of interest. Feel free to forward my URL or this page to others who might be interested to help expand our reach even further. I welcome your feedback and suggestions so feel free to Contact Me.

Hover your cursor over the country to get details or to test your geographry skills.

Live Individual Visitor Map

Position your cursor over a dot to get details on individual visitors. Note, many are stacked on top of each other.

Contact Me

I will expand on these materials and hope to stimulate more discussion on the nature and scope of real estate. Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions as to how we can advance the discipline. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please Contact Me.