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The International Council of Shopping Centers Educational Foundation (ICSCEF) sponsored the (JSCR) from 1994 through 2007. In its inaugural issue, the editors indicated the JSCR was "...a significant step in our effort to bridge the gap between academic theory and practical hands-on reality." The ICSC Foundation supported the JSCR through the 14 years of publication, providing well over $1,000,000 of support academics responding to a targeted call for papers. To ensure the research was both practical and benefitted from real-world expertise, members of the Foundation and the ICSC Research Committee served as mentors to the researchers. As editor between 2003 and 2007 and a former Trustee of the ICSC Foundation, I have decided enhance the orignial return on investment by making the full archives available to you to help you mine the wealth of retail real estate research that is no longer in print or otherwise available. If you'd like an efficient way to glean a summary of what we learned "back in the day," read my capstone article: "The Evolution of Shopping Center Research: A 12-year Restrospective" which organizes the JSCR articles between 1994 and 2005 and provides hyperinks to key articles.
This is the only complete compilation of the full PDFs of the articles published in the JSCR during its publication term spanning 1994-2007. Some might question the relevance of the research given the changes that have occurred since that time. However, if you scan through the titles and download articles of interest I am confident that you see the many "lessons learned" from that period. Indeed, I would argue that this is the best collection fundamental, applied retail-focused research in existence. The assemblage was no accident; ICSC Foundation solicited academicians to respond to a targeted "call for papers" which included long-standing trends (e.g., demographics, ethnicity, formats, consumer behavior, changing formats, mall renovations), as well as emerging trends (e.g., mobile commerce, multichannel retailing, cross-channel ordering, RFID, tourism, entertainment, non-store retailing, bricks to clicks, e-commerce, impacts of technology, and retail-tainment). The bottom line is retail has always been a hypercompetitive industry which in many respects, has been ahead of other property types due to the need to continously reengineer and respond to disruptive competition.
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Journal of Shopping Center Research (JSCR) Archives
Article Archive
The individual articles are in PDF format can be downloaded by clicking on the titles.
2007 Volume 14, Issue 2
2007 Volume 14, Issue 1
2006 Volume 13, Issue 2
2006 Volume 13, Issue 1
- James R. DeLisle, "The Evolution of Shopping Center Research: A 12-year Restrospective"
- John P. Blair and James E. Larsen, "Growth Management and Retail Activity in the United States"
- Hye-Young Kim and Youn-Kyung Kim, "Escapism, Consumer Lock-in, Attitude, and Purchase: An Illustration from an Online Shopping Context"
- Mark J. Eppli and Charles C. Tu, "An Event Study Analysis of Mall Renovation"
- Deborah C. Fowler, Scarlett Wesley, and Maria Elena Vazquez, "How May Retailers Respond to the Hispanic Immigration and Ethnicity Trends in Non-traditional Growth Areas?"
- Sandra S. Liu, Robert Melara, Raj Arangarasan, and Kyung Jae Lee, "Development of Consumer Study in Retailing with Visual Technology: A Demand-side Research Agenda"
2004 Volume 11, Issue 1-2
- Kim, Youn-Kyung, "Who Will Be Winners and Losers? Competitive Analyses between Regional Malls and Big-box Retailers"
- Heitmeyer, Jeanne and Kennita Kind, "Retailing in My Backyard: Consumer Perceptions of Retail Establishments Located within New Urbanist Communities"
- Hernandez, Tony, Tony Lea, Anthony Spagnolo, and Amanda Maze, "Shopping Centers, Power Retailing and Evolving Retail Environments: A Comparison of the Retail Markets of Dallas-Fort Worth and Toronto"
- Hu, Haiyan and Cynthia R. Jasper, "Men and Women: A Comparison of Shopping Mall Behavior"
2003 Volume 10, Issue 2
- Paige, Rosalind C. and Mary A. Littrell, "Tourism Activities and Shopping Preferences"
- Anderson, Cynthia E., David J. Burns, and Jane S. Reid, "The Next Evolutionary Step for Regional Shopping Malls: A Measure of Acceptance of New Retail Concepts as Identified by Different Age Groups of Shoppers"
- Kim, Youn-Kyung, Pauline Sullivan, Christi Trotter, and Judith Forney, "Lifestyle Shopping Center: A Retail Evolution of the 21st Century"
- Balazs, Anne L. and George M. Zinkhan, "The Future Retail-scape: How Environmental Forces Will Shape Shopping Over Time"
2003 Volume 10, Issue 1
2002 Volume 9, Issue 2
- Kim, Youn-Kyung, Sanjukta Pookulangara, and Christy Crutsinger, "Vitality of Multi-channel Retailing: Function of Retail Synergy and Consumers' Perceived Benefits and Costs"
- Wesley, Scarlett C. and Melody L.A. LeHew, "Tourist-oriented Shopping Centers: Investigating Customers' Evaluation of Attribute Importance"
- Eroglu, Sevgin, "Impact of Ethnic Minority Retailers on Urban Revbitalization Efforts: The Buford Corridor Case"
- Joung, Hyun-Mee and Nancy J. Miller, "Effects of Older (55+) Female Consumers' Participation in Social Activities on Apparel Shopping Behavior"
2002 Volume 9, Issue 1
- Christiansen, Tim and David J. Snepenger, "Is It the Mood or the Mall that Encourages Tourists to Shop?"
- Solomon, Michael R., Basil G. Englis, and John Cornett, "The Virtual Mall: Using the Internet to Configure the Ideal Shopping Environment"
- Kinley, Tammy R., Youn-Kyung Kim, and Judith Forney, "Tourist-destination Shopping Center: An Importance-performance Analysis of Attributes"
- Hardin, William G., Marvin L. Wolverton, and Jon Carr, "An Empirical Analysis of Community Rents"
2001 Volume 8, Issue 2 (coming soon)
- Worzala, Elaine M. and Anne M. McCarthy, "Bricks-and-clicks: E-commerce Strategies for the Chain Retailer"
- Harden, Amy, ""A Comparison Study of Merchants Actual or Potential Presence on the Internet"
- Hernandez, Tony, Ricardo Gomez-Insausti, and Marco Biasiotto, ""Non-store Retailing and Shopping Center Vitality"
- Moretti, GianPiero and Raphael Fischler, ""Shopping Center Development and the Densification of New Suburban Cores"
- Kim, Jai-Ok and Byoungho Jin, ""The Mediating Role of Excitement in Customer Satisfaction and Repatronage Intention of Discount Store Shoppers in Korea"
2001 Volume 8, Issue 1
- Anderson, Cynthia E., Jane S. Reid, Bart Kittle, David J. Burns, and Donna J. Wainio, "An Investigaton of Relationship-building Activities on Mall Web Pages: A Study of Synergy between Shopping in Malls and Shopping on the Internet"
- Paige, Rosalind C., Deborah J.C. Meyer, and Sara J. Kadolph, "Satisfying the Customer: Understanding the Synergistic Effects of Education and Informational Strategies among Retail Channels"
- Chatterjee, Patrali and Suman Basuroy, "From Bricks-and-mortar to Clicks-and-mortar: How Traditional Retailers can Leverage Online Market Opportunities through Internet Malls"
- Worzala, Elaine M. and Anne M. McCarthy, "Landlords, Tenants and E-commerce: Will the Retail Industry Change Significantly?"
2000 Volume 7, Issue 2
- Shim, Soyeon, Mary Ann Eastlick, and Sherry Lotz, "Assessing the Impact of Internet Shopping on Store Retailing Among Mall Shoppers and Internet Users"
- Taylor, Susan and Robert M. Cosenza, "The Impact of Internet E-commerce on the Traditional Merchandising of Women's Clothing in Shopping Centers/Malls"
- Zacharias, John, "Shopping Behavior at Alexis-Nihon Plaza in Montreal"
- Kim, Hye-Shin, Byung-Sook Hong, and Eun Young Jo, "Emotional Response to Apparel Advertisements and Consumer Values: A Cross-cultural Study"
2000 Volume 7, Issue 1
- Phillips, Rhonda, "What are the Postiive Aspects of Retail-based Economic Growth for Communities?"
- Baker, Julie and Diana Haytko, "The Mall as Entertainment: Exploring Teen Girls' Total Shopping Experience"
- Wang, Shuguang, Ricardo Gomez-Insausti, Marco Biasiotto, Pina Barbiero, and Bruce McNally, "A Comparative Analysis of Entertainment Cross-shopping in a Power Node and a Regional Mall"
- Baen, John S., "The Effects of Technology on Retail Sales"
1999 Volume 6, Issue 2
- Christiansen, Tim, Lucette Comer, Richard Feinberg, and Heikki Rinne, "The Effects of Mall Entertainment Value on Mall Profitability"
- Mejia, Luis C. and Mark J. Eppli, "The Effect of Merchandise Space Allocation on Retail Sales in Enclosed Shopping Centers"
- Kang, Jikyeong and Youn-Kyung Kim, "Role of Entertainment in Cross-shopping and in the Revitalization of Regional Shopping Centers"
- Good, Linda K., Zhengyi Chen, and Particia Huddleson, "An Empirical Test of Job Satisfaction: Antecedents and Satisfaction Types"
1999 Volume 6, Issue 1
- Clodfelter, Richard and Deborah Fowler, "A Comparison of the Pricing Policies between Manufacturers' Retail Apparel Outlets and Traditional Retail Stores"
- Anderson, Cynthia E., David J. Burns, E.Terry Deiderick, Jane S. Reid, and Michele Johnson, "Effects of Zonal Merchandising on Sales Productivity of Malls"
- Bailey, William C., Mary M. Wamock and Claudia Mobley, "A Comparative Study of Apparel Quality and Prices Between Manufacturers' Outlets and Retail Stores"
- Brown, M. Gordon, "Design and Value: Spatial Form and the Economic Failure of a Mall"
1998 Volume 5, Issue 2
1998 Volume 5, Issue 1
- Eastlick, Mary Ann, Sherry Lotz, and Soyeon Shim, "Retail-tainment: Factors Impacting Cross-shopping in Regional Malls"
- LeHew, Melody L. Adkins, and Linda M. Cushman, "Time Sensitive Consumers' Preference for Concept Clustering: An Investigation of Mall Tenant Placement Strategy"
- Barnes, Nora Ganim, "Consumer Evaluation of Differential Pricing Policies for Apparel in Manufacturers' Retail Outlet Stores"
- Eppli, Mark J. and Steven Laposa, "A Descriptive Analysis of the Retail Real Estate Markets at the Metropolitan Level"
1997 Volume 4, Issue 2
- Attaway, Jill S. and Amy J. Morgan, "Exploring the Impact of Gambling Venues on Local Retail Expenditures"
- Kim, Youn-Kyung and Jikyeong Kang, "Consumer Perception of Shopping Costs and Its Relationship with Retail Trends"
- Philips, Fred, Andrew W. Donoho, William Keep, Walter Mayberry, Jong J. McCann, Karen Shapiro, and David Smith, "Electronically Connecting Retailers and Customers: Summary of an Expert Roundtable"
- Rosenbloom, Bert, Rajiv Mehta, Trina Larsen, and Michael Pearson, "Leadership Styles, Culture and Cooperation in Global Marketing Channels"
1997 Volume 4, Issue 1
1996 Volume 3, Issue 2
1996 Volume 3, Issue 1
1995 Volume 2, Issue 2
- Black, Roy T. and John A. Harris, "Business Enterprise Value and Depreciation in Shopping Malls: How Will the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 Affect Investment Value?"
- Weideman, Donald J. and Andrew W. Huntley, ""New Sources and Techniques in Shopping Center Financing: Three Case Studies"
- Jones, Ken, Michael Pearce, and Marco Biasiotto, ""The Management and Evaluation of Shopping Center Mall Dynamics and Competitive Positioning Using a GIS Technology"
- Forsythe, Sandra, ""Consumers' Use of Brand Name, Price and Physical Appearance: Examining Retail Markets in Mexico"
1995 Volume 2, Issue 1
- Keep, William W. and Jay D. Lindquist, "Consumer Patronage of Shopping Centers and In-home Retail Formats: A Time Diary Approach"
- Eastlick, Mary Ann and Soyeon Shim, "Ethnic Differences in Shopping Center Patronage: A Comparison of Hispanic- and Anglo-Americans"
- Moschis, George P., Julie Z. Sneath and Anil Mathur, "Existing Retail Strategies and the Older Consumer: An Empirical Assessment and Recommendations"
- Kim, Youn-Kyung and Jikyeong Kang-Park, "The Shopping Patterns of Ethnic Consumer Groups in the United States"
- Overstreet, James and Richard Clodfelter, "Safety and Security Concerns of Shopping Center Customers and the Effect of these Concerns on Shopping Behavior"
1994 Volume 1, Issue 1
- Fuller, Donald A., "Shopping Centers and the Environment: Recycling Strategies for the 1990's, An Exploratory Investigation"
- Balazs, Anne L., "The Eldermall: Exploring New Ways to Position the Aging Retail Shopping Center for Aging Consumers"
- Herche, Joel and Siva Balasubramanian, "Ethinicity and Shopping Behavior"
- Kaufman, Carol Felker, and Paul M. Lane, "Shopping 24 Hours a Day: A Consumer Need or a Losing Strategy?"
- Jones, Ken, Wendy Evans, and Christine Smith, "New Formats in the Canadian Retail Economy"
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