The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. The mission of CDC is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and domestic. To achieve its mission, CDC conducts critical sciencific research and provides health information to protect the nation against dangerous health threats, and when they arise, respond accordingly. The CDC embraces intelligent risk management by obtaining risk data, applying analytics, and producing actionable risk information to guide decision-making.
One of CDC's initiatives of interest to real estate and site selection is its tracking of population characteristics and vulnerabilities. This allows CDC and site users to identify populations or geographies likely to be at-risk for acute and chronic illnesses, exposure to chemical pollutants in the environment, or impact associated with a public health emergency. This tracking is conducted at national, state, and county geographies supports trend analysis as well as identification of public health disparities that amplify the environmental burden on various populations.
The CDC's Search Populations and Vulnerability web interface that provides clickable access to state and county-level data health data originating from the Public Health Tracking Network. The Data Explorer aggregates data both spatially and temporally for display or download. The query tool uses a hiearchical system in which the user selects content from a series of drop-down menues and then specifies the geography, time frame, and optional variables.
Once the query is executed, the user has the opion of viewing the data in a graphical display which can be zoomed in from the national map to reveal counties and associated data. Users can also download the underlying data. The results of the visualizations can be modifed to suit the decision at hand and then exported for use in other applications.
Your queried dataset is available for download by clicking the export icon from within your query screen. The resulting .zip file will include your data in a .csv format as well as supporting information about the data.
As part of its core mission, the CDC provides data and information on the Social Determinants of Health. Some of these data are available at the national level, while others are available for counties and census tracks.
Chronic Disease Indicators available down to large metro areas Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Surveillance System available at national level Compendium of Federal Datasets Addressing Health Disparities, geography varies Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) available at the state level 500 Cities: Local Data for Better Health available for cities and census tracts Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke available down to county and census tract National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention for US and states National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network available down to county level The Social Vulnerability Index available at census tract Vulnerable Populations Footprint Tool available down to censust tract li>
The Tracking Network Data Application Program Interface (API) is an alternate way to query data from the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. The API provides a standardized URL interface with a JSON formatted result set that you can integrate into your applications. Additional details and documentation on the API can be found on the API Resource Page.